Release Your Inner Egyptian
Travel, Transitions and Turns
Bellydance Workshops by Zara Dance
Below are a list of bellydance workshops that Zara Dance offers. If you would like to host Zara for a workshop have a read below of what workshops she has to offer and then get in touch for quotes and dates. If you would like Zara to teach a bellydance workshop on a topic you don't see below, don't worry, just get in contact and Zara can discuss the topic and put together a workshop, suited to you and your students needs.
Duration: 2 hours
Level: intermediate- advanced
Style: Oriental/Raq Sharqi
In this workshop Zara will teach you turns, fancy footwork, layering and how to create dramatic lines with arms all whilst travelling around the stage and in between static moves. This will help smooth out your transitions, creating a seamless and dynamic performance.
This is a technique heavy workshop so be prepared to leave with a long list of different foot work and travel moves to add to your repertoire.
Duration: 2 hours
Level: OPEN
Style: SUITABLE FOR ALL STYLES OF BELLYDANCER - no matter what style or type of bellydance you are trained in/prefer come along EVERYONE welcome!
How do you become a master of Egyptian bellydance? What is Egyptian bellydance? why the Egyptian style so definitive? This workshop goes beyond just the technical side of bellydance and takes a look at the concepts that underpin the Egyptian style. It then asks how those of us in West can better understand them and relate to them. We'll then work on drawing those concepts out of ourselves to explore a whole new way of approaching and mastering the Egyptian style - So come along, relax and release that inner Egyptian just wanting to dance.
Duration: 2 hours
Level: OPEN
Style: Baladi
This workshop will take you back to the basics of Baladi. It will re-root you and your dance, into the earthy, juicy hip movements and technique that are the essence of Baladi. Exploring and indulging in the music we’ll be bringing the soul of the dance out through your hips. This workshop will give you the tools and inspiration to set you on your way to confidently performing an improvised Baladi piece.
We will be looking at both technique and consept in this workshop as well a breif overview of the history of Baladi
Duration: 2 hours
Level: OPEN
Style: SUITABLE FOR ALL STYLES OF BELLYDANCER - no matter what style or type of bellydance you are trained in/prefer come along EVERYONE welcome!
A fun 2hr bellydance workshop with a DIFFERENCE.
This workshop explores the empowering aspects of bellydance through various exercises, helping you get MORE from your dance. Making you feel more confident and in control of your dance. It will also look at how to feel at one with bellydance and as a result make your a more comfortable natural looking dancer.
We investigate how this beautiful dance form can give you so much. We are all individual and feel empowered differently - Bellydance can be a fantastic tool to learn about yourself and grow as a person as well as a dancer. And the exciting thing is the more empowered you feel by the dance the better dancer and performer you become!
Back to Basics Baladi
Bellydance Empowerment
Egyptian Shaabi
Choreograph Like a Pro
Duration: 2 hours
Level: OPEN
Style: Shaabi
Zara is best known for her Egyptian Shaabi style. She is of Egyptian Shaabi heritage herself and her Shaabi video has clocked over 200 000 views on YouTube (mostl views coming form the Middle East) .
This workshop is split into two parts the first hour covers the history of what shaabi is, where it has come from and what it means to Egyptians. It also looks at how shaabi has changed over the years and especially how it has developed since the Arab spring and revolution in Egypt. Whilst exploring all these aspects of shaabi we will be exploring various techniques key to the style.
In the second half of the workshop we’ll be learning Zara’s famed Shaabi choreography to Ali Ya Ali. This choreograph is fun and upbeat and puts into practice all the techniques and execution methods needed to perform authentic shaabi style.
Duration: 2 hours
Level: Intermediate - Advanced
Style: SUITABLE FOR ALL STYLES OF BELLYDANCER - no matter what style or type of bellydance you are trained in/prefer come along EVERYONE welcome!
This workshop is perfect for you if you are wanting to create exciting varied choreographies that will wow every time you perform. Whether you are putting together your first choreography or want to push yourself to make better more advanced choreographies.
Over the two hours we look at vast amount of elements of what makes a great bellydance performance and Zara shares with you all the secrets to putting one together. Some of the areas covered include: look at entrances, stage presence, special awareness, adding variety to your dances, how to keep it interesting, how to come up with moves when you are stuck for ideas, how to interpret the music and soooooo much more.
Modern Saidi Stick
Duration: 2 hours
Level: Intermediate-Advance
Style: Saidi
If you want to learn how to dance with your stick confidently then this is the workshop for you. The first half of this looks at what Saidi style is all about and where it comes from. It also goes through the traditional stick techniques and Saidi moves. Zara shares all her tips on how to feel natural and confident with your stick and how to dance with it in a way which looks effortless.
The second half of the workshop looks at how to modernise the traditional saidi style and moves to make it a sexier, fun style that is more accessible to a wider audience, yet remaining to capture the essence of the style. It teaches a short Saidi chorography which was actually performed by Zara when she won the final round of Bellydance Trophies